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Prior to CMT’s tour coming to a conclusion, I was the lead singer for the vocal vocal section as well as producing the band’s new album, Escape To High Def Visualization. Within those first two years, everything that CMT accomplished with its own band and crew involved what was on hand to help D go out on top as a band, a band that made those first two years even easier and more vibrant over night. Samantha: Once we realized how important music was to our success, D went out and ‘looked at any space we could get to incorporate that within music.’ We couldn’t just take our music and turn it into something that would push their songs forward. We could push our stuff.
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Here is my favorite first moment with D from address To Low More Bonuses Visualization (“Take That To The Limit, Ladies and Gentlemen, Did It Again”)… A note on visuals, in particular, is usually not key to what you are looking for when you ask D what video you are looking for but my biggest inspiration for Escape To High Def Visualization came when I started working on the album with the concept artist Steve Martin